There is a need for greater emphasis on community participation in helping countries adapt to climate change, says Solomon Islands Minister for Environment, Hon. John Moffat Fugui.
He shared the view at the opening of the five-day Community Workshop on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation for the Melanesian Region in the Solomon Islands.A University of South Pacific statement said the workshop was an initiative of the AusAID-funded Future Climate Leaders Project (FCLP) from the Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PACE-SD) at USP.
The workshop was aimed at educating, training and sharing information with Melanesian communities on understanding, mitigating and adapting to climate change.
Mr Fugui said the presentation of specific community case studies allowed for greater appreciation of the struggles and challenges of Pacific communities.
He said the Solomon Islands was enthusiastic about issues related to climate change because they were already facing its impacts.