The new government recognises the Parliamentary Opposition is a machinery of the Government to ensure accountability, transparency and good governance.
Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua, in a statement, said that the new Coalition for National Unity and Rural Advancement (CNURA) said that the Constitution specifies the roles and functions of the Parliamentary Opposition."... the primary role of the Opposition is to ensure the Government of the day does not step off the line during its rule," Prime Minister Sikua stated.
The clarification comes as the new Opposition Group, led by the former Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, settles down to play its new watchdog role, and his new Cabinet Ministers familiarize themselves with their new portfolio responsibilities.
Prime Minister Sikua said he believes that the Opposition, provided for in the Constitution, should be developed and provided with skilled staff and proper facilities if it is to carry out its work efficiently and effectively.
He said that while the government and the opposition can have opposing views on political and policy issues, members of both camps must pave the way to complement each other to ensure healthy politics is sustained in the country.
Prime Minister Sikua stressed that both the Opposition and Independent Offices are accountable to the National Parliament Office.