Choiseul Premier Calls for Assistance in Implementing NBSAP

Premier Kiloe says the government cannot tackle these environmental issues effectively without the involvement, understanding and participation of rural Solomon Islanders.STO Archives

Choiseul Province Premier, Jackson Kiloe, has urged the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Meteorology to assist provinces implement the National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan (NBSAP).

Premier Kiloe says the government should also help provinces implement other international environmental commitments that the government has agreed to.

He says World Environment Day and other important programmes always take place in Honiara, and the provinces and rural communities remain spectators to these important occasions because they only hear about it through the media.

He says Solomon Islands have been very quick in making and marking international commitments, yet very slow in implementing them at the local level.

Mr Kiloe says when people or leaders talk about the environment they must be conscious of the fact that they are talking about the whole of Solomon Islands, which include the rural areas.

He says environmental issues are important to rural dwellers, because the people depend on it for their livelihood, and yet they have been neglected for far too long.

Premier Kiloe says logging, mining and coastal erosion happen in rural areas.

He says the government cannot tackle these environmental issues effectively without the involvement, understanding and participation of rural Solomon Islanders.

Mr Kiloe says Choiseul Province has endorsed the National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan and the national government must commit resources into managing their environment.