Cervical Cancer High in Solomons

Cervical Cancer is currently one of the top killer diseases for women in the Solomon Islands.

Gynecologist and the Head of the Gynecology Ward of the National Referral Hospital, Dr Levi Hou, revealed this during a symposium hosted by Soroptomist International Solomon Islands at the Honiara hotel.

He said that in developing countries the mortality rate of women who die from cervical cancer are very high compared to developed countries.

The availability of screening systems for cervical cancer in developed nations enable detection at earlier stages where countless lives are saved.

Dr. Hou went on to say that there is now a screening machine available at the Gyneacology Ward.

He told the gathering that between 1970 and 2008 seventy women have died of cervical cancer in the country. He affirmed that the only way to prevent Cervical Cancer is for women to have regular Pap smear tests at the National Referral Hospital's Pap Smear Clinic.

The pap smear clinic is a recently established clinic made possible by Soroptimist International.

He explained that a symptom of cervical cancer is when a women's menstruation takes longer than their normal cycle.

Dr. Hou said that if that happens, that would indicate a case of cervical cancer and the only way for women to know for sure is to go through the testing through screening.

Dr Hou also revealed that women between the ages of 35 to 50 years are vulnerable to cervical cancer.

Dr. Hou adviced that it is time for women throughout the nation to have pap smear tests. He strongly urged women not to be restricted by cultural taboos and beliefs adding that their life is much more important.

Present in the Symposium, were the President of Soroptomist International Solomon Islands, Sarah Dyer, women in the Soroptomist International of the South West Pacific and other relevant organizations in the country.

The symposium was attended by about forty participants.