Cashier Arrested on Fraud Charges

Detectives from the National Investigations' Fraud Section arrested and charged a man on 15 June 2009, for allegedly forging several cheques worth hundreds of thousands of dollars provided to the Guadalcanal Provincial Health Service Sector by the AusAID projects.

A preliminary investigation allegedly revealed that the incident occurred between the months of January to December 2004 in Honiara.

The suspect, a 33 year old man from Fanalei village, South Malaita, was a cashier at the Guadalcanal Provincial Health Service sector when he allegedly raised 55 requisitions and payment vouchers to 55 invoices that he claimed to be from the LKP Hardware Ltd; and ACOR Alliance Corporation. The invoices claimed were for stationary, furniture, plumbing tools and carpentry tools.

At the time of the incident the suspect, after raising the requisitions and the payment vouchers, went on to forge signatures of some of the authorizing officers within the Health Sector on both documents.

The suspect then used the cheques which he cashed using relatives to assist him to obtain an excessive amount of money from a commercial bank in Honiara.

The suspect was charged on 55 accounts of Forgery contrary to section 341 (1) Penal Code and 13 counts of Uttering contrary to section 343 (1) of Penal Code.

He was later granted a Principle Bail of SBD $1,000.00 and will appear at the Magistrate's court on 27 July 2009.