Calls for Gizo Hospital Staff to Return to Work

The Western Province Acting Director for Health Service, Gunter Kittel, has appealed to striking staff of the Gizo Hospital to return to work.

Dr. Kittel says the situation in which only a skeleton staff is working at the Gizo Hospital is unacceptable.

Dr. Kittel says while he himself is still feeling fit and strong as do other colleague doctors, it will be impossible to avoid patients being affected by the situation.

He says he cannot allow the few dedicated staff members to work 16 hours a day and taking night calls.

Dr. Kittel says he cannot allow nurses to do three night shifts in a row without having the chance for a proper rest and without getting any financial reward for that incredible hard work.

He says even if the strike should end soon, many patients will have lost their trust in the health services.

Dr. Kittel says the nursing profession does not allow such actions for ethical reasons, even if they are proven to be legal.

Dr. Kittel assures the public that he is working with the Ministry of Health and Medical Services deal with the workers strike.

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