Call for Review of Parliamentary Entitlement

Transparency Solomon Islands, TSI, calls for a complete review of the Parliamentary entitlements along with the composition of the Parliamentary Entitlement Commission, PEC, to reflect true independence.

TSI says PEC is not independent of Parliament as it is dominated by current and former MPs.

This issue is raised in response to the recent inappropriate amendment and increase of parliamentary entitlement provision made by PEC.

Currently, PEC membership includes former MP Danny Philip who is the PEC Chairman, the Public Accounts Committee Chairman Francis Zama, Minister of Finance and Treasury Snyder Rini and Leslie Teama.

Section 69 A of the Constitution sets how the PEC is established.

The Chairman and two other members are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister.

Two others are Minister of Finance and Chairman of Public Accounts Committee.

TSI says according to Section 69A (6) of the Constitution, the Chairman and the members of PEC are entitled to receive a daily allowance at the rate prescribed in accordance with the Constitutional Offices Salaries Act 1978.

It says the Chairman of the PEC is now paid a full salary, provided a house, a vehicle and allowances for a meeting that happens once a year.

The entitlements of the PEC chair and other members are prescribed by the Prime Minister by regulations made under the Constitutional Offices Salaries Act.

TSI says there is a clear conflict of interest when a committee comprising MPs and former MPs sets the entitlements of MPs and Former MPs and where the terms and conditions of service of the committee is set by the Prime Minister who stands to benefit from the committee's decisions.

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