Call for Removal of Police Commissioner Unjustified

"The call for the removal Commissioner Peter Marshall is outrageous and unsubstantiated," Inspector Balaga saidSTO Archives

The President of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force's Senior and Subordinate Officers' Association (SPOA), Inspector Jack Balaga stated that the allegations and call for the removal of Police Commissioner Peter Marshall by the Solomon Islands Public Employees Union (SIPEU) are despicable and unfounded.

"Statements made by SIPEU about the lack of consultation by police in relation to the Voluntary Early Retirement Scheme is incorrect, misleading and the call for the removal Commissioner Peter Marshall is outrageous and unsubstantiated," Inspector Balaga said

As President of the body responsible for the welfare of police officers, Inspector Balaga stated that SIPEU failed to consult his office on the issues they raised in the media.

Inspector Balaga confirm that SPOA has not had any request for clarification from SIPEU on the matters relating to the Voluntary Early Retirement Scheme and categorically deny any form of conversation with SIPEU in regards to the call for the removal of the Police Commissioner.

"There has not been any consultation made by the SIPEU with my office following the announcement of the Voluntary Early Retirement Scheme," he said.

"I call on those who raised the allegations to be responsible and address such matters professionally," he said.

"The proper process is to consult the office of the Commissioner of Police and not the media," Inspector Balaga said.

Inspector Balaga also states that it is appropriate that any issue concerning the welfare of police officers should be left for police and should be addressed by SPOA.

"Any issues relating to welfare of police officers should be left for SPOA, the association mandated to address issues concerning police officers and not the SIPEU," Inspector Balaga said.

Inspector Balaga stated that the issues raised by SIPEU and published by the Island Sun in relation to no proper consultation are incorrect and seriously misleading.

"A media release was issued by police to all local media including the Island Sun newspaper and the press statement was featured in the front page of the Solomon Star issue No.4347 on Wednesday 15 September 2010," he said.

Inspector Balaga said, "Anyone reading or writing to newspapers or other media groups would easily come across the police media release which unquestionably outlined the Voluntary Early Retirement Scheme and related issues including consultations with the officers in all the provinces and importantly the Minister of Police and Correctional Services."

"The media statement proves that the allegations raised by SIPEU are simply incorrect and unfounded," he said.

Inspector Balaga stated that the Association so far, appreciated a list of tangible developments that have already taken place and other development projects that are currently under taken by the RSIPF.

Inspector Balaga said that, "As the RSIPF watchdog, SPOA is satisfied with the many developments within the organisation which includes housing project, capacity development programs, promotions and operations."

"Such positive developments have raised the morale of officers within the RSIPF," he said.

"I can say here that the allegations raised by SIPEU have no foundation and are unjustifiable," Inspector Balaga said.