British High Commissioner Recieves Solomon Medal

Last week, the British High Commissioner, His Excellency, Richard Lyne was awarded with the Cross of Solomon Islands (CSI) medal at the Government House.

HE Richard Lyne received the award for his distinguished service as British High Commissioner to Solomon Islands.

The medal was presented to Mr. Lyne by the Governor General, Sir Nathaniel Waena. Governor General, Sir.Waena said that it is a great honor to present the CSI award to the British High Commissioner. He stated that HE Lyne has been very generous towards the country, during his course of duty.

In response, Mr. Lyne stated his gratitude in receiving the award. "This presentation shows a token of good relationship between my country and the Solomon Islands," said Mr. Lyne.

He stated that the relationship that Solomon Islands have with his country is about understanding and sharing of history.

Madam Lyne in an interview with Solomon Times said that they will miss the Solomon Islands. "This country is a very good country and I will miss the friendly people here," said Mrs. Lyne.

The Former British High Commissioner will be leaving the country on the 27th of this month and his replacement, Mr. Tim Smart will be arriving in the country in early December, 2008.