Betel Nut Chewing Endangers Reefs

Betel nut chewing contributes to the degradation of coral reefs, was a message among others that stood out at the launch of the Pacific year of reefs 2008.

People who enjoy chewing betel nuts were told to think twice about how much damage their habit has done to the reefs.

An observer at the stall display pointed out that in the Maringe District of Isabel Province, people have damaged the coral reefs in order to produce the lime for betel nut chewing.

This practice is however not limited to Isabel Province but is wide spread throughout the islands.

Listeners were informed that the more people developing the habit, the higher the amount of damage people will do to the coral reefs in the future.

People of the general public were reminded to be weary that the habit is a contributing to the degradation of coral reef.

Minister of Environment Conservation and Meteorology reminded the listening public on the need "to protect the reefs to protect our islands."

The Minister stressed that to kill the reefs would in turn destroy the islands and destroy the fish.