Beautification for Positive Community Change

An open market was officially opened at the Kakabona Police Post area, West of Guadalcanal.

The beautification program was organized by the Matana'ara Women's Association with the help of the Honiara Beautification Program and the European Union to officially launch the Beautification Project for women and their community.

The aim of the program is for the Matana'ara Women Association to raise awareness to the people on how to be creative in making their homes attractive.

Speaking at the ceremony, the President of the Association Paula Aruhuri said that a lot of hard work had been put in preparing for the Beautification Programme.

Ms. Aruhuri said that the program is also a first step for the Matana'ara Women's Association.

She said that one aim of the program was to groom their community to know how to beautify their areas.

The flee market is the first for this year, a follow on of one staged last year as means to continue help beautify the area.

Solomon Times was informed that similar programs had been arranged for the old people of the community.

"These programs are not just to help occupy the people but also help the community, and it is this unity that I want the association and the people of this community to use in order to change and move to the future," Ms. Aruhuri added.

She added that advancing further into the program will help open up the minds of the people in the community to move into many positive changes.