Our Telekom and Bank South Pacific announce their partnership in linking BSP's seven branches here in Solomon Islands.
An agreement signed today seals Our Telekom's commitment to supply the data links connecting BSP's seven branches here in the Solomon Islands.This new agreement is necessary as part of the conversion that BSP will be making to its computer system which is scheduled to be completed by end of the first quarter 2009. Once this conversion is complete, BSP will then introduce a suite of electronic banking services which will include among other services, ATM's, Internet Banking and EFTPOS.
The Country Manager for BSP, Mark Corcoran, advised that this was a project of some undertaking and one that BSP had been working on for sometime and would not have been possible without the assistance of Our Telekom.
Chief Executive of Our Telekom, Loyley Ngira, says that this agreement demonstrates a long term partnership with BSP and shows Our Telekom has the capacity to support its customers for national and international data link connectivity, which is vital for banking services in the Solomon Islands.
Source: Our Telekom (Press Release)