Banging Up on the Streets of Honiara

Blame it on potholes, the pedestrians, lack of space for vehicles to maneuver on the roads are the many excuses given by drivers who find themselves bang smack into another vehicle, something or to some extent someone.

Careless driving is increasingly common sight on the roads of Honiara, causing accidents contributing to a number of serious deaths in the country.

Speaking with a public driver, Enele Seti said that careless drivers are most often under the influence of alcohol.

"These people drive without caring about other vehicles or pedestrians," he said.

Mr. Seti added that the over populated road is also a contributing factor with the number of vehicles "increasing weekly".

Accidents are now occurring almost every weekend and this is pure carelessness, according to public observers.

Events happening in town and movement of people is also said to be contributing factors to increasing numbers of accidents.

Major games such as soccer, concerts and huge public activities that causes excitement, impatience, crowds of both vehicles and people of the road is observed to also be linked to increasing accidents happening in Honiara.