Axiom Mining Limited has expanded its operations from Isabel into San Cristobal, Makira and Guadalcanal in Solomon Islands.
Last month, Axiom was granted a prospecting licence over land in the north of San Cristobal, Makira and has already begun to employ landowners for various jobs. The Company is currently establishing a base camp and will be commencing exploration activities this week.Axiom's knowledge of the area has led them to believe it could contain gold and copper. As the exploration advances, Axiom will employ Makiran and Solomon Islanders in various positions and will also provide training programs in technical positions.
Axiom wishes to thank the landowners of North Arosi, the Makira provincial government and the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification for the support they received in establishing their operations in Makira.
In addition, Axiom has secured another project in South West Guadalcanal and again they mention the area is prospective for gold and copper. There has been minimal modern day exploration on the area, but it is obviously proven by the nearby Gold Ridge mine. Axiom has made a commitment to undertake exploration including implementing the latest technology in identifying gold and copper mineralisation on Guadalcanal.
As the exploration program ramps up over 2013, Axiom will also implementing an employment and training program for landowners in the area as well providing for special economic and social programs in Guadalcanal.
Axiom Mining CEO Mr Ryan Mount said "We are delighted to be working in Makira and Guadalcanal, especially to be soon working side by side with the landowners of the area. I am particularly excited about what the exploration program will bring, not just to our shareholders but also to the sustainable development of the land to the customary landowners."
"I will be taking a particularly keen interest in the protection of the natural environment - both of these areas have admirable natural beauty and provide for of the landowners 's living and I will make sure that this does not change."
The work in Makira and Guadalcanal will be carried out in parallel with Axiom's efforts on Isabel where they are building a resort hand-in-hand with the landowners of Kolosori and have recently committed to the development of the new Senior Secondary School in Buala. All this while Axiom defends its rights and its landowner partner's land rights against the High Court challenge by Sumitomo of Japan.
With Axiom's expansion into Makira and Guadalcanal looking for gold and copper, the Company is now deploying their gold and copper experts to Solomon Islands. This will also provide a great learning opportunity for Axiom's local geologists and technical staff who will be able to work with some of the best gold and copper experts in the mining industry.
Two of these gold and copper experts are Mr Neil Stuart, Axiom Mining Director and Mr Eamonn Dare, Axiom Mining Chief Geologist. Mr Neil Stuart is a highly experienced gold geologist who is known world-wide for the discovery of the world-class Cerro Negro Gold Deposit which is one of the largest ever gold discoveries in South America. Mr Eamonn Dare came to Axiom last year and was previously in charge of one of Australia's largest copper mines in Mt Isa, Queensland in Australia.
Together, these two will be integral in implementing the latest exploration techniques and technology and will be sharing their expertise with local geologists including training and education programs.
In a joint statement, Mr Neil Stuart and Eamonn Dare said: "We are delighted to be coming to Solomon Islands to explore Makira and Guadalcanal. We are excited about sharing information and our experiences. We hope that our experience in gold and copper discoveries will help you too in developing your land."
Also this week, Axiom Mining Chairman Mr Stephen Williams, who was previously the Chairman for 16 years of Australia's largest Mining Services and Environment Protection Company, will be in Solomon Islands inspecting Axiom's operations including visiting Isabel to view the progress of the Kolosori Resort and the development of the Senior Secondary School.
Axiom's Directors visiting from Australia are also celebrating the Arts Festival together with the local staff who have been given time off to attend the festival.
Commenting on Axiom's expansion, Solomon Islands Minister of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, Hon Moses Garu said: "We are encouraged by Axiom's approach to mineral exploration in Solomon Islands. We support its involvement with local communities in developing the mineral potential of this area and look forward to seeing Axiom's progress in the country.
Source: Press Release, Axiom Company