Auluta Oil Palm Project Top Priority: Prime Minister Sikua

The Prime Minister of Solomon Islands has placed the Auluta Oil Palm Project as high priority.

Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua recognises that the project is not only very important to the people of Malaita Province, but also to the nation as a whole.

He said the project will also create job opportunities for many young people.

From the spin-offs of the project, Dr. Sikua stated that people in and around the Auluta Basin could expect enormous benefits.

The Auluta Oil Palm Project will be developed in the areas of East Fataleka and East Kwara'ae of the Northern Region of Malaita Province.

Prime Minister Dr. Sikua said the new government "maintains as a national priority, the Auluta Oil Palm Project".

He added that because of the project's importance, the Prime Minister's Office is in the process of requesting the up-to-date reports on the progress reached so far from the Minister of Agriculture and officials.