Attorney General Clarrifies Call for Revoking Ministers

Despite Parliament dissolvement, Ministerial apointments cannot be revoked.

The Solomon Islands Attorney General, Gabriel Suri says the C-NURA government has constitutional legitimacy to continue in office after parliament's dissolution regardless of financial concerns raised by the Peoples Power Action Party.

President of the Party, Robert Wales Feratelia, yesterday made a call for the Prime Minister to advise the Governor General to revoke ministerial appointments as a financial measure against the government's empty purse.

Feratelia had also suggested that Permanent Secretaries should stand in as supervisors of government ministries during this period of parliament dissolution.

The Attorney General, Gabriel Suri says the continuation of the Prime Ministers Office and Cabinet is provided for under Sections 34-three and 34-six of the constitution.

Mr Suri says he would not speak on the financial implications of having care-taker ministers using government offices and resources to source political campaigns.

He also says even after parliament has dissolved, the Governor General can only act on the advise of Cabinet.

He describes Robert Wales Feratelia's proposition to forego Cabinet Ministers as scary for a number of reasons, including a situation that Solomon Islands may go to war with another country.