Assessment Team Returns to Honiara

Half of the team deployed to the earthquake stricken island of Rendova Island, Western Province early this week, returned to Honiara this afternoon with the response stage phasing.

A handful of senior disaster officials remained at the "forward base" in Munda on New Georgia to continue with the phasing out period which is expected to last about a week.

Meanwhile, food and emergency supplies have reached the victims on board police patrol vessel Auki and a fast crafts deployed for the operation.

Senior National Disaster Management Officials reports that names of every affected village are on record ready for the recovery phase.

Spokesperson for the forward base in Munda told SIBC that just under two-thousand people were homeless following the earthquake on Monday.

An assessment of the region recorded widespread damage to dwellings, food garden, and the natural vegetation on island's mountain terrain.

The recent earthquake has been described as the worst for the islanders in 50-years.