It has been estimated that in the Solomon Islands, almost 85%-90% of sexual assault cases of adults and children alike have not been reported to the local police or authorities.
Solomon Times took the time to talk to Family Support Center's Counselor, Lovelyn Kwaoga.The Family Support Centre, is a Non-Government Organization that supports victims of domestic violence, rape, prostitution and sexual abuse.
Ms. Kwaoga states that common cases of sexual assault are often from single mothers and young girls.
It has also been noted that most sexual assault cases are results of domestic violence and alcohol.
Ms. Kwaoga explains that the centre offers counseling to victims and follows up on their progress after counseling.
"Effects of sexual assault can disrupt a person, which is why the centre makes sure the victim goes through a healing process and then follow up on progress made by victims," adds Ms. Kwaoga
Ms. Kwaoga also states that prostitution is also a form of sexual assault which is now quite high in the Solomon Islands.
"Prostitution among young women may often be results of sexual assaults experienced in an early age. This is why it is important to approach such young ladies in a positive manner for counseling, so they do not shy away from the community and continue to engage in such activities. In such cases, young ladies would then continuously engage in unsafe practices that contribute to the spread of HIV and STI," she adds.
It was also stated that men often beat and sexually assault their partners to feel powerful.
"We will never be free from sexual assault until our communities and societies recognize that all men and women will be better off, when one half does not use their power to hurt and humiliate the other half," adds Ms. Kwaoga.
Ms. Kwaoga also added that that people should realize that no woman ever deserves to be sexually assaulted.