Anniversary of Devastating Earthquake and Tsunami

Today marks the second anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami, which struck parts of Western and Choiseul provinces. Up to fifty lives were tragically lost, houses and properties destroyed and swept away.

Western Province's Deputy Premier Oliver Zapo calls on the people of the province to commemorate the day, in respect of those who lost their lives, loved ones and property.

Mr. Zapo called on all citizen of Western Province to observe today 2 April 2009 as a Day of Prayer, remembrance and thanksgiving.

He appealed to churches leaders and Christians in the province to organize church services or render a Minute Silence in remembrance of those who lost their lives two years ago.

The Deputy Premier said that as the province remembers the day, the Western provincial government thanks the National Government and all the non Government Agencies and donor partners and agencies for the assistance rendered during the emergency and now the recovery period.

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