Animal Welfare Group Warns Against Dolphin Export

Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) has issued a stern warning that they would not allow the proposed export of 25 live bottle-nose dolphins from Solomon Islands to enter China.

In a letter dated September 5 2011, executive director of AWI Susan Millward requested an urgent intervention to avert an offence against national and international law if a proposed dolphin export occurs.

The letter advised that the National Government reconsider its decision to allow the export to avoid the dolphins to be confiscated upon arrival and to avoid the cost of returning them to the Solomon Islands subjecting the animals to stress.

It is understood that the letter was addressed to CITES Secretary-General, CITES Animals Committee Chairman and CITES Management Authority/CITES Scientific Authority, Solomon Islands.

The same letter was also addressed to Environment Minister and acting Fisheries Minister Moffat Fugui.

The letter stated that two endangered species organizations in China are also on stand-by to confiscate the dolphins upon arrival.