During the consultations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade and the Heads of Missions last week, they discussed the possibility of increasing scholarships for Cuba.
H.E Collin Beck (UN Mission)stated in last week's Press Conference that currently there are fifty spaces for Solomon Islanders at the medical institute in Cuba.However, he stated that further consultations will be made with their Cuban counterparts for the inclusion of extra twenty five students.
H.E Beck also noted the importance of having a mechanism of consultation between the Ministry of Health & Medical Services (MHMS) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs & External Trade (MFAET) to address all concerns relating to the Agreement.
The attendees then went on to acknowledge the success of the twenty five Solomon Islands students currently studying in Cuba.
Also noted was the presence of Cuban Doctors in the country who have provided much needed assistance to the Solomon Islands.
The availability of the Cuban Scholarships and the inclusion of Cuban Doctors for the Solomon Islands shows the continued strengthened relationship between the two countries.