Mr. Onika and James Mate

Every constituents have their very right under the constitution to question their respective Members of Parliament about issues of their concern. In this regard, I can see where Martin Matea is coming from. He is entitled to get feedback his MP which is vital for participatory governance as he mentioned in his article. James do you know what participatory governance means?

I am quite amazed by the level of intellect from people like James Mate who seems to have childish attitude of looking at the whole phenomena Mr. Matea presented. First, Mr. Onika is an elected MP elected through the electoral process and is legally recognized under our laws. He thus is legally responsible to represent the East Central Guadalcanal people where Mr. Matea perhaps is from. Mr. Onika may be a cook but he must be answerable to his people. He makes all the decisions including that of the fundings Mr. Matea raised in his article. Therefore whether he is capable as an MP or not he still must inform his people about what he has been doing since he assumed power. I gather that the whole point of the article is to get INFORMATION from Mr. Onika.

View blo grassbird noma.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Philip Rongokwavi and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.