A path to educational crisis
Dear Sir,
Thank you for publishing this view in your paper.
It is sad to note that both the Primary and Secondary Schools in the country are steadily increasing in number due to population growth while the Tertiary Institutes have not grown at the same pace.
I therefore suggest that the responsible authorities consider putting technical Institutes in all the Secondary Schools in the country to accommodate the huge proportion of our children who cannot earn scholarships or a place in the few Institues available. Perhaps we do not need to establish Institues like the ones we see in our fellow neibouring countries. We must be realistic also but at least start to think a long this line. we cannot afford to wait and see our education is at stake.
This is not to forget bigger plans for a national University or Universities but we must start somewhere.A thousand miles begin with one step.
But its up to you all eucationists to have a say. I for one do not enjoy seeing us marching down with this new crops to this path -educational crisis.
Thank you for publishing this view in your paper.
It is sad to note that both the Primary and Secondary Schools in the country are steadily increasing in number due to population growth while the Tertiary Institutes have not grown at the same pace.
I therefore suggest that the responsible authorities consider putting technical Institutes in all the Secondary Schools in the country to accommodate the huge proportion of our children who cannot earn scholarships or a place in the few Institues available. Perhaps we do not need to establish Institues like the ones we see in our fellow neibouring countries. We must be realistic also but at least start to think a long this line. we cannot afford to wait and see our education is at stake.
This is not to forget bigger plans for a national University or Universities but we must start somewhere.A thousand miles begin with one step.
But its up to you all eucationists to have a say. I for one do not enjoy seeing us marching down with this new crops to this path -educational crisis.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Javin Rukia and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.