Moti ready to sue Solomon Islands Government
It is disturbing to read of a likely legal suing of the Solomon Islands Government over the illegal deportation of the former SI Attorney General, Julian Moti by few high ranking government elites, with the help of Australian Federal Police.
To a right minded Solomon Islander like me, innocent and ordinary people to become losers of the selfish act of few officials and others involved is not fair and unforgivable.
From the start it did not take a rocket scientist to know that the Moti case was politicized by few selfish individuals. At one time Moti was denied of having QC to become a qualified Attorney General of Solomon Islands, later it was a shameful allegation.
Now it is a time of what goes around, comes around. It is a moment of truth. The truth is, Solomon Islands government must not pay the compensation on behalf of Dr. Sikua and his advisers. Please do not waste our monies for medicines, improvements of rural clinics, schools, and things will have impact in our lives. We are desperately in need of those things to survive.
To Sogavare, thank you for protecting the sovereignty of our beloved Solomon Islands. Our God is always with those who stand for the truth and pride of their nation. The cloud over your head will never ever come, because who laughs the last laughs the best.
To a right minded Solomon Islander like me, innocent and ordinary people to become losers of the selfish act of few officials and others involved is not fair and unforgivable.
From the start it did not take a rocket scientist to know that the Moti case was politicized by few selfish individuals. At one time Moti was denied of having QC to become a qualified Attorney General of Solomon Islands, later it was a shameful allegation.
Now it is a time of what goes around, comes around. It is a moment of truth. The truth is, Solomon Islands government must not pay the compensation on behalf of Dr. Sikua and his advisers. Please do not waste our monies for medicines, improvements of rural clinics, schools, and things will have impact in our lives. We are desperately in need of those things to survive.
To Sogavare, thank you for protecting the sovereignty of our beloved Solomon Islands. Our God is always with those who stand for the truth and pride of their nation. The cloud over your head will never ever come, because who laughs the last laughs the best.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Peter Siofa and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.