Australian AID - truth needed
Australian aid fraud should not involve accusation without evidence of substance. It is weak and improper for a big wealthy nation to accuse developing nations like PNG and SI of stealing aid money, especially when it appears a majority of aid money never leaves Australia.
I saw and heard former Australian PM John Howard declare on TV that he was giving A.$800 million to Solomon Islands and he indicated concern about corruption. Later I read how A. $600 million in aid money did not leave an office in Pitt Street, Sydney.
The Australian people would be shocked if they knew the real situation.
Real aid needed for example is a free protein food supplement to overcome the 67 percent increase in anaemia related maternal mortality in SI that to a degree is linked to anaemia. Unnecessary death of children under 5 could also be reduced through provision of free milk or other healthy protein to clinics and schools.
What about RAMSI watching over crime in SI? Surely RAMSI would see such large scale aid money fraud if it was occurring in SI. How could politicians or government workers hide such major Aus dollar money? How?
Further evidence that major Australian aid does not arrive is the lack of aid development to be seen while travelling in SI. There is none that I have seen in the past 5 years. But on the Internet I can Google these words: phantom aid never leaves our shores.
I saw and heard former Australian PM John Howard declare on TV that he was giving A.$800 million to Solomon Islands and he indicated concern about corruption. Later I read how A. $600 million in aid money did not leave an office in Pitt Street, Sydney.
The Australian people would be shocked if they knew the real situation.
Real aid needed for example is a free protein food supplement to overcome the 67 percent increase in anaemia related maternal mortality in SI that to a degree is linked to anaemia. Unnecessary death of children under 5 could also be reduced through provision of free milk or other healthy protein to clinics and schools.
What about RAMSI watching over crime in SI? Surely RAMSI would see such large scale aid money fraud if it was occurring in SI. How could politicians or government workers hide such major Aus dollar money? How?
Further evidence that major Australian aid does not arrive is the lack of aid development to be seen while travelling in SI. There is none that I have seen in the past 5 years. But on the Internet I can Google these words: phantom aid never leaves our shores.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of John C Fairfax and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.