Congratulation Hon. Danny Philip

On behalf of all Solomon Island Students and Staff Association of Pacific Adventist University, I would like to congratulate our newly elected Prime Minister, Hon Danny Philip. You have proven to all critics that truly you are a leader of experience and quality as evident in your victory. It is our prayer that as you lead our country, think of us the younger generation and all Solomon Islander in all that you do, ever remembering our future is in your hands.May our good Lord bless you and your Government to be in all your endevours.

Hon. Steve Abana, you are also truly a great leader of respect. Your defeat in the election of Prime Minister should only be a stepping stone in your leadership and not something to undermine the quality of a leader that is also in you.

May all of you the duly elected members of parliment put aside the differences and serve our country with intergrity and pride, letting our other neighbouring countries know that we (Solomon Isalnds) will rise up and can be a role model amidst the problems and troubles that has tarnished our good name - The Happy Iles of the Pacific.

Finally....God bless you all and remember 'Together we stand, divided we fall'. God bless Solomon Islands from shore to shore.

Robert Wale Feratelia
(SISSA President, PAU 2010)
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Robert.Wale Feratelia and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.