Thank You RAMSI

Thank you very much for giving me space in your paper.

It was more interesting to hear people from our neighbouring countries pay total respect to our culture,in the road to real peace and reconcillation.

Just recently, an incident took place in our country which demanded the life of a Guadalcannal man by a RAMSI militry personnel.

Strategically, the incident was resolved between RAMSI and the family of the deceased at Titinge to bring back trust and security between Titinge community and RAMSI personels serving in our country.

I want to thank RAMSI for its recognition of our culture this shows that RAMSI has more respect for our various diverse cultures in Solomon Islands.

For our country to proceed in the path towards development, we need to set our mind in knowing our different cultures and settle things acording to its tradition. For our good citizens in Solomon Islands cooporation and accepting things is the real road towards peace and reconcillation we are striving to achiev in our country.

Thanks to the community of Titinge and the family of the deceased for showing true peace and reconcillation in accepting what was offered to resolve things in our culture.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Ronnie Wale and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.