17 New Constituencies - Political Motivated

Having put some thought into the political context of our honorable house of representatives; coupled with public speculation and the peoples dissatisfaction with current parliament members; one can only assume that the reasons for these additional constituencies is directly linked to the knowledge that most if not all current members of parliament can only win in the coming elections with the splitting of current constituencies in various locations.

This again is a classic example of power hungry self centered politicians at their best. I just hope our rural people (and urban based) rise up to the occasion and give the current members standing for re-election a taste of their own medicine.

I also hope if this bill goes to parliament and is debated; we can see the true colors of some of our honorable members. Those in support of these additional constituencies (seats) obviously stand to lose if these recommendations don't go through; or those in support of the whole additional constituencies scenario are predetermining an election outcome with thoughts for formation of new Government at the forefront of debate.

The shocking fact is that the report as claimed cannot be amended on recommendations made during debating; it is either approved or scrapped.

Where is the common good in this?

Or what was the whole point of a commission that is paid by Government for rubbish like this?

Too much political nonsense and lack of vision.

In the Solomons political scene; money is trully the root of all evil.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Wane Tumas and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.