Writing in the sand or hurl a stone!

I'd rather write in the sand than throw a stone! Parallel to the biblical story of the olden days when women are being stoned to death when caught in any act of immorality, I may refrain from acts of murder and rather let my judgement be ridiculed.

Jesus himself highlighted the need for men(in this case, men & women) to be conscious of ourselves in our judgment!! Yes, we may not be righteous nor a perfect preacher, but to elaborate on the point that our once beautiful islands don't need prostitutes like them!! In olden days, our girls will be murdered! Maybe olketa narakaen wan na by spare but do we need them really?? We have our own island beauties/traditions and cultures which we have had respect for and have endowed for many years over. Who and where do these men originate from who have brought on a culture of immoral standings to our once beautiful family, christian and cultural values? Who needs any lecture on civilisation and globalisation?? And girls please do refrain yourselves from these evil influences especially when it comes to money!!

As Beyonce had clearly sung in her beautiful hit song, 'single ladies', that, if you think you like it, put a ring on your finger!! In comtemporary meaning, ma sapos u like company or garem kabani, marit go stret nomoa!! No need to sell yourselves my dear ladies. These female smugglers and the ladies themselves need to be deported on the spot along with their illegal smugglers, rather than being murdered! Please understand, i do not wish to discriminate in any manner and do not wish to do so but to highlight the fact that we really do not need to have this immoral business flourishing in our beautiful islands. Yes, we may need to catch up with globalisation and civilisation but do we really need to encourage this? I don't think so!

What other national laws would prevent them not to be deported?? Me sore true na if any S.I. law by delaym moa! Whilst we can, get them booted out of the country, why not do it sooner?. I am greatly affected by this because if I can remember, i am "kukum born and bred" myself and have witnessed myself these clandestine nocturnal movements over their rooftops whilst holidaying there over the pre-christmas period! So be aware folks, walls have eyes too!
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Katie Fono and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.