Road Improvements

I write in support to Patricia's call for a serious look into the need for qualified technical and manpower needs when it comes to huge infrastructure undertakings. Be it in the provinces or the capital. I do support her call because i have seen it first-hand the same being done on the Honiara roads when men and machine fiddle about with the pot-holes, the tar-sealing process and let alone one little hole that are being usually filled up by a dozen men over a day, only to be washed away when the next rain comes again!!. There were incidents too that i know of, of similar nature where local manpower input were required to brush, cut, dig and sweat their guts out to make way for similar projects that never got off the ground because it was exhausting and time-consuming for the locals to keep on tract. Thus, I believe, it is worthwhile to engage qualified personnels/manpower and use of technology and machines in the initial stages of these projects so that these roads can last as long lelebet!!. Then local input can contribute towards its maintenance and sustenance in a way that is relevant to the village life-style. Hence it will be comforting to see that the multi-million dollar road project for Makira be entrusted to highly skilled contractors/engineers and not to repeat the same as of the Honiara roads or elsewhere!. Let alone the money into wrong hands!.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Katie Fono and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.